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The Puppy Pod Online Puppy Training for New Owners

You’re a goodun….

Find your pup’s homes that match! Get set to transform the way you home your puppies.

Learn how to be an outstanding puppy matchmaker at  our free webinar for dog breeders

Free workshop

You’re a dedicated breeder putting your all into raising healthy, happy puppies set for a life of love and joy.

You work damn hard to raise your pups well. And you want them to land in wonderful forever homes with people who are just as dedicated and committed as you are.

You chose your breeding pair carefully, took optimum care of mum throughout, and she finally delivers her bundle of pups safely into the world.

But what happens next?

After weeks of caring for your pups and putting your all into preparing them for the world, you gather your new puppy packs, give your pups a final cuddle and send them off with a stranger into their new homes…. Keeping everything crossed that they’re landing in a good one.

Do you really want to leave it to luck?

Join me for a FREE dog breeder webinar

In this groundbreaking dog breeder webinar, you will

learn how the observations you’re already making with your litters can be translated into a unique puppy profile

discover how to use this puppy profile as a matchmaking recipe, so you can effectively screen enquiries to find the right person for each puppy

reveal the clauses you can add to your puppy contracts that empower you to influence their future

uncover the steps you can take to keep you, your dogs and your puppies safe when arranging visits with potential new owners

Just click the link below for instant access.

Free workshop
puppies in arms ofqual level 3 qualification in dog breeding 4

Approx 664,000 dogs end up in UK rescues each year, through no fault of their own.

And one in five dogs who wind up in rescue will return to kennels after their new owners find their behaviour issues too difficult to handle.

These poor dogs can bounce in and out of rescue for a lifetime, never finding a loving home and dedicated people to call their own.

As breeders, we’re often tarred with the brush that paints us as the leading cause of far too many dogs living in kennels, awaiting an often devastating destiny.

But what’s the truth?

Are dog breeder’s really to blame for the hundreds of thousands of dogs in rescue?

In short, I don’t believe that any single group of people is to blame, nor do I think that pointing fingers helps anyone.

These dogs end up in rescue due to poorly planned or badly executed breeding, inadequate matching of pups with owners, and a lack of early support for new puppy owners when they need it most.

If we want to change that, then it relies on education.

As dog breeders, it’s vital for us to turn down the noise and focus on the elements at play that we as individuals have the power to influence.

We must choose the dogs we breed from carefully, whelp our puppies safely, and socialise and care for our puppies with skill and dedication.

And we must take matching puppies with the right homes seriously.

The only thing standing between you and the fine-tuned matchmaking skills you need is the button below

Free workshop

Powerful Puppy Contracts

You’ve probably downloaded a standard puppy contract to use when you sell your pups. But I bet you’ve not realised half the things you could include inside.

Your puppy contract is there to safeguard all parties, and it’s a powerful way for you to influence the future of your pups.

In this one-off webinar, we’ll explore the empowering clauses you can include in your puppy contracts that simultaneously gift you peace of mind and set you apart as an incredibly committed and reputable breeder.

Safeguarding you from scammers

When you advertise your puppies for sale and allow strangers into your home for viewings and visits, there’s a risk involved.

This webinar will give you practical tips that you can put into action to safeguard yourself and your dogs from scammers before inviting people into your home.

Free workshop